Thoughts Serializer

The army

Recently a friend of mine joined the army. Every man in Greece must spend a year serving the Greek Army. In general it is waste of time, because for a year you do nothing. Anyway it is a bit subject to discuss now. To make you get a picture this friend of mine called me yesterday and we talked about how he is doing.

He told me that time has stoped and that we wakes up in the morning to live another day that is a copy of the previus one. The thing he told me that really made me think, was that he found the solution to spending time in sentry box. I was wondering what he found as I will have to face this later myself. What he told me was that he takes 2 slices of bread from the morning table and when he is at sentry he feeds the little birds! It really put colors in my image of boredom. This is what I call, total misery…