Thoughts Serializer

Carnival of Game Programming

I would like to inform you that the Carnival of Game Programming was started at Blog Carnival. The goal is to have host a carnival each month (given that there are enough good articles).

What is the Carnival of Game Programming?

The Carnival of Game Programming collects together links pointing to blog articles about game programming and works like a magazine. Each edition is a special blog article that consists of links to all the contributions that have been submitted, often with the editors opinions or remarks.

Submit articles about game programming

I call you to submit articles for the first Carnival of Game Programming that will be hosted here at Thought Serializer. So if you have a post about game programming in general please submit it here. The post/article should be about programming languages, scripting, networking, 3d graphics, 3d hardware, 3d programming APIs, algorithms, AI, sound, physics, collision detection or any other aspect of game programming.

I’m looking forward for your articles!