Thoughts Serializer

Carnival of Game Programming : No 1

Welcome to the first Carnival of Game Programming! This carnival is about anything that game programming can involve. It was announced about a month ago, with the goal to collect a number of good articles and posts about game programming in general. Unfortunately I didn’t have the time to properly advertise the carnival and the submitions were only a few. Lets make sure that the next carnival will have more articles in it! If you have a good article about game programming what you would like to be included in the next issue of the carnival, please submit it here

Jochen De Schepper wonders in a Shakespearic fasion To Flash Or Not To Flash? in his post at Dark Moon Blog. Jochen post is about Flash vs Java+LWJGL for inbrowser games and what are the strengths and weaknesses of each solution.

Jesus de Santos presents Load-In-Place posted at EntBlog. The article presents a serialization framework that is used for quick loading of data from disk directly to data structures in memory, giving exceptional loading time.

Last comes an article by me(!) about how to do good bloom for HDR rendering, which is basicaly about creating efficient blur filters with big kernels.

That’s it for the first carnival of game programming! Even if the article count is low, the content is of good value and that is what counts. Let wish for the next carnival to have more good articles like these!!

Happy coding!!!