Thoughts Serializer

Predictable garbage collection with Lua

In one of my previous posts I talked about how you can make the Lua garbage collector (GC) more predictable in running time. This is a virtue that is highly valued in a GC used in games where you don’t have the luxury of going over you frame time. In that post I described a solution to the problem which works fine most of the time, leaving little space for garbage collection times that will hurt the framerate. However I ended that post with a promise to provide a better solution and in this post, I deliver.

The ideal situation would be to have the GC run for a specific amount of time. This way the game engine will be able to assign exact CPU time to the GC based on the situation. For example one strategy would be to give a constant amount of time to the GC per frame. Lets say 2ms every frame. Or it can be more clever and take into consideration other parameters, like the amount of time it took to do the actual frame. Is there enough time left for this frame? If there is, spend some for GC, if not, hold it for the next frame when things might not be too tight. Other parameters can be memory thresholds, memory warnings, etc.

All of the above depend on a GC that can be instructed to run for an exact amount of time. This kind of GC is what we call a realtime GC. And Lua does not have one. However it turns out that we can get very close to realtime with minor changes to the Lua GC.

The patch below modifies the behavior of the GC in the way we need it:

--- a/src/lgc.c
+++ b/src/lgc.c
@@ -609,15 +617,14 @@ static l_mem singlestep (lua_State *L) {
 void luaC_step (lua_State *L) {
   global_State *g = G(L);
-  l_mem lim = (GCSTEPSIZE/100) * g->gcstepmul;
-  if (lim == 0)
-    lim = (MAX_LUMEM-1)/2;  /* no limit */   g->gcdept += g->totalbytes - g->GCthreshold;
+  double start = getTime();
+  double end = start + (double)g->gcstepmul / 1000.0;  
   do {
-    lim -= singlestep(L);
+    singlestep(L);
     if (g->gcstate == GCSpause)
-  } while (lim > 0);
+  } while (getTime() gcstate != GCSpause) {
     if (g->gcdept GCthreshold = g->totalbytes + GCSTEPSIZE;  /* - lim/g->gcstepmul;*/

The only missing part from the patch above is the getTime() that can be something like this:

double getTime() {
    struct timeval tp;
    gettimeofday(&tp, NULL);
    return (tp.tv_sec) + tp.tv_usec/1000000.0;

I guess however that everyone will want to use their own time function.

The patch modifies the code so that is stops based on a time limit and not based on a calculated target memory amount to be freed. The simplicity of the patch also comes from the fact that we “reuse” the STEPMUL parameter that is no longer used to carry the aggressiveness of the GC. We now use it to hold the exact duration we want the GC to run in milliseconds. So the usage will be this:

lua_gc(L, LUA_GCSETSTEPMUL, gcMilliSeconds);
lua_gc(L, LUA_GCSTEP, 0);

The above code will run the GC for gcMilliSeconds ms. This way you will never be out of your frame time budget, because the garbage collection took a little longer to execute. Problem solved!