Categories Game DevelopmentProgrammingSoftwareSylphis

From Python to Lua

(This blog was originaly posted at #AltDevBlogADay) All game developers, sooner or later, learn to appreciate scripting languages. That magical thing that allows for letting others do your job, better scaling of the team, strengthening the game code/engine separation, sandboxing, faster prototyping of ideas, fault isolation, easy parametrization, etc. Every game has to be somehow […]

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Categories Game DevelopmentiphoneProgrammingSoftware

Optimizing script language performance with custom memory allocators

The last weekend I did some exploration on the script language execution performance. Specifically on the memory allocation side of things, and I would like to share my findings. Script languages and memory usage As you probably know script languages (most of them at least, like Python, Lua, etc) have the tendency to make a huge […]

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Categories Game DevelopmentHardwareProgrammingUncategorized

NVIDIA to Acquire AGEIA Technologies

According to this press release, nVidia will acquire Ageia Technologies. Yeap! The well known physics software and hardware vendor. In my mind this means that the future nVidia based accelerators will support physics acceleration, too. It will basically mean the death of the PhysX processor, since the GPU can do that easily with no extra […]

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