Categories Game Development

Joined #AltDevBlogADay

Yesterday I was accepted to #AltDevBlogADay as a writer.  For those not familiar with #AltDevBlogADay, is a group of game developers (generally found on Twitter) that want to blog more regularly (according to the about page). However what is not clearly stated in the aforementioned about page, is that this is a true treasure of […]

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Categories Game DevelopmentSoftwareSylphis

Sylphis3D lighting, shadows, physics demonstration

This is some “memory lane” kind of post. As you probably already know, I am working on an iOS port of Sylphis3d lately and I have been going through some old videos from Sylphis3D. I must admit the feeling is overwhelming. All those nights strugling with algorithms, data structures, broken drivers, experimental scripting… The vibrant community of […]

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Categories iphonePersonalSoftware

Orientation Film One : The AutoSleep App

Ok, you must see this! My dearest of friends, Thanasis Lightbridge, made this awesome cult retro film for AutoSleep. It’s all there… secret laboratories, crazy vocals of rebelion, giant-reptiles-attacking-earth-style announcements, retro cinematography, wicked pyjamas, epic soundtrack, peaceful high pitch snoring … and many more! 😀 😀 😀

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Categories Game DevelopmentiphoneProgrammingSoftware

Optimizing script language performance with custom memory allocators

The last weekend I did some exploration on the script language execution performance. Specifically on the memory allocation side of things, and I would like to share my findings. Script languages and memory usage As you probably know script languages (most of them at least, like Python, Lua, etc) have the tendency to make a huge […]

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