Categories Uncategorized

Picasa with Facial Recognition

According to this post at CNET Google has implemented facial recognition in to the latest version of their photo management software Picasa! Finally! I always loved to be able to search photos by people, but tagging all of your photos can bring you close to madness! p.s. Only wait until they use this technology on […]

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Categories MusicPersonal

Videoclip for Goddess released

I am so excited to inform you that the video clip I was talking about earlier was released! As I said the video clip was created to accommodate the release of the song “Goddess” as a single. This single is the first taste from the upcoming album “The Universe Expands” from Dol Theeta. The whole […]

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Categories Game DevelopmentHardwareProgrammingUncategorized

NVIDIA to Acquire AGEIA Technologies

According to this press release, nVidia will acquire Ageia Technologies. Yeap! The well known physics software and hardware vendor. In my mind this means that the future nVidia based accelerators will support physics acceleration, too. It will basically mean the death of the PhysX processor, since the GPU can do that easily with no extra […]

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